Category: Raccoon Problems
Why commercial raccoon sprays and granules are gimmicks and don’t work
Why Commercial Raccoon Sprays and Granules are Gimmicks and Don’t Work As homeowners, we often find ourselves battling with unwanted wildlife invading our spaces. Raccoons, [more…]
How to install raccoon proof vent covers
How to Install Raccoon Proof Vent Covers: A Comprehensive Guide Are you tired of dealing with pesky raccoons invading your home through your vents? These [more…]
Recommendations for raccoon-proofing bird feeders and compost bins
Effective Recommendations for Raccoon-Proofing Bird Feeders and Compost Bins Have you ever woken up to find your bird feeder ransacked and your compost bin in [more…]
DIY methods for preventing raccoons from entering attics
Effective DIY Methods for Preventing Raccoons from Entering Attics Have you ever wondered how to keep those pesky raccoons out of your attic? These mischievous [more…]
The dangers of raccoon roundworm in attics
The Dangers of Raccoon Roundworm in Attics: A Hidden Health Hazard Have you ever wondered about the unseen dangers that lurk in your attic? While [more…]
Tips for cleaning and sanitizing after raccoon removal
Tips for Thoroughly Cleaning and Sanitizing after Raccoon Removal Have you recently dealt with a raccoon infestation in your home? The removal of these clever [more…]
Understanding raccoon behavior to better deter them
Understanding Raccoon Behavior to Better Deter Them Have you ever wondered why raccoons are so difficult to deter from your property? These clever creatures seem [more…]
How to identify raccoon tracks and droppings in your home
How to Identify Raccoon Tracks and Droppings in Your Home Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to strange noises coming from your [more…]
Health risks associated with raccoons living in attics
Understanding the Health Risks Associated with Raccoons Living in Attics Have you ever wondered about the potential health risks that come with having raccoons living [more…]
Natural methods to repel raccoons from properties
Natural Methods to Repel Raccoons from Properties: Effective Ways to Keep Pesky Critters Away Raccoons may be cute and fuzzy, but when they invade your [more…]